Kathleen Newland is a senior fellow and co-founder of the Migration Policy Institute, where she focuses on the relationship between migration and development, the governance of international migration, and refugee protection. Previously, she was a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a member of the International Relations faculty at the London School of Economics, and Special Assistant to the Rector of the United Nations University. She has worked as a consultant to UNHCR, IOM, UNDP, ILO, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, among others. Ms. Newland is author or editor of nine books, including most recently All at Sea: The Policy Challenges of Maritime migration, as wellas numerous reports, policy papers, articles, and book chapters. She serves on the Board of Directors of Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), and has been a member of the boards of the Migration Policy Institute, the International Rescue Committee, USA for UNHCR, the Stimson Center, the Foundation for The Hague Process on Migrants and Refugees and the Women’s Refugee Commission.
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